We Create Great Customer Experiences... And Now You Can Too.

Welcome to the Customer Experience Masters Academy! Here at CXMA, we offer CX education and training to help advance the customer centricity of your people, and your organization. CXMA will accelerate understanding and adoption of CX.

Whether you are just beginning your Customer Experience (CX) journey or you have been on this path for awhile, with CXMA you:

  • Understand why CX is important to you, your team, and your customers
  • Learn how to engage everyone in the organization in a customer-experience mindset.
  • Get the training, tools and inspiration you need to create great customer experiences.
  • Build a shared language and understanding of Customer Experience 
  • Understand how CX can improve teamwork, brand loyalty, and company performance.
  • Discover how to turn data into actionable insights that impact your bottom line.
  • Are equipped to take action on everything you’ve learned.
Write your awesome label here.
These proven courses are designed for everyone, every role and every function.  All employees can improve their understanding of CX moving from theoretical concepts to robust, real-world CX, engaging with your customers in new ways that delight and exceed expectations. With lessons designed to explain concepts, give examples, and then challenge you to apply it to your specific company and role, learners will discover new ways of thinking and be inspired to act. Whether you want to personally gain more knowledge or advance your team's understanding, this course is for you.

Use Our CX Training to Create New Opportunities

They set the vision of how to do it, they co-created with us, they trained us. We are now able to operate with a much more outside-in, customer-obsessed approach than we could two years ago.
—Chief Experience Architect, Customer and Partner Experience, Fortune 100 Technology Company
[McorpCX training] embodies what I envisioned to be the ‘Gold Standard’ in preparing an organization for Experience Management and the mental / cultural shifts required by all levels throughout the business ecosystem.
—Enterprise BPM, $100M Regional Telecommunications Provider
Hands down, the best customer training I have ever been to or seen… The combination of interactive, group and lecture sessions kept me engaged and interested.
—CX Manager, Fortune 500 Insurance Company

What You’ll Learn

We provide the information you need to understand the rationale for focusing on CX and then present you information on how others have made the change. Our lessons include reflection questions to link your learning to the work you do every day helping you to TAKE ACTION!
Your CX courses will cover:
  • Why CX Matters (especially now)
  • Designing Experiences Customers Want
  • Understanding and Building Personas and Empathy Maps 
  • Creating (and using) Journey Maps 
  • Moving from Data to Insights 
  • Demystifying Customer and Financial Metrics
  • Linking Experience to Financial / Business Value
CXMA is how you advance your ability to harness Customer Experience and create change!

Are you ready to deliver a better experience for your customers?

Gain knowledge, information, and insights TODAY to begin the process of true transformation…
Watch the Introduction to our CXMA Series of Courses
Write your awesome label here.

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